
Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Three Planets

The planetary schemes that was given by Maharsi Parashar:
  1. Surya
  2. Chandra
  3. Mangal
  4. Budha
  5. Sukra
  6. Guru
  7. Shani
  8. Rahu
  9. Ketu

People may ask why these planets are chosen and why actual planets like 
  1. Neptune, 
  2. Uranus and 
  3. Pluto were ignored.
Maharshi Parashar clearly states that we have to take 

  1. geocentric View 
  2. not helio centric view 
why moon is taken as a planet and planets after Saturn as disregarded. 

The seven physical planets actually denote seven spectrum of light (VIGBYOR) and planets after Saturn are so far that their light cannot influence us. That is why they are disregarded and moon which shines above us is taken into account.


If Rahu and Ketu are not physical planets then why there are taken. 

Rahu and Ketu are actually two nodes of Moon. Rahu is north node and ketu is south node. All the planets are have nodes, and they do influence us. Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets, they don't have physical body but they do have light. There some lights that we cannot see but the do affects us. These lights are ultraviolet and infrared, human eye cannot see it but it does affect our minds in a big deal.

In the Mahabharat times,
  1. Uranus = श्वेत (White planet)
  2. Neptune = श्याम (Blue planet) or महापात (Voyager of the ocean)
  3. Pluto = तिक्ष्ण (pointy) or तीव्र (fierce)
In contemporary times,
  1. Uranus = अरुण (God Surya's charioteer)
  2. Neptune = वरुण (God of Ocean)
  3. Pluto = यम (God of Death)

Sage Veda Vyas mentioned Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in his epic poem Mahabharata (written more than 5000 years back in india).
Vyas has named them as Sweta, Syama and Teekshana.
Uranus or Sweta (Greenish White planet)
Vishesheena hi Vaarshneya Chitraam Pidayate Grahah….[10-Udyog.143]
Swetograhastatha Chitraam Samitikryamya Tishthati….[12-Bheeshma.3]
Here Vyas states that some greenish white (Sweta) planet has crossed Chitra Nakshatra.
Neelakantha of 17th century also had the knowledge of Uranus or Sweta.
Sweta means greenish white, which was later discovered to be the color of Uranus.
Neelakantha writes in his commentary on Mahabharat (Udyog 143) that Shveta, or Mahapata(one which has greater orbit) was a famous planet in the Astronomical science of India.
Neelakantha calls this “Mahapata” which means having greater orbit and it indicates a planet beyond Saturn.
Neptune or Syama (Bluish White planet)
Shukrahah Prosthapade Poorve Samaruhya Virochate Uttare tu Parikramya Sahitah Samudikshyate….[15-Bheeshma.3] Syamograhah Prajwalitah Sadhooma iva Pavakah Aaindram Tejaswi Naksha- tram Jyesthaam Aakramya Tishthati…[16-Bheeshma.3]
Vyas mentions that a bluish white (Syama) planet was in Jyeshtha and it was smoky (Sadhoom).
Neelkantha calls it “Parigha” (circumference) in his commentary on Mahabharat.
He could mean that its orbit was almost of the circumference of our solar system.
How did Sage Vyas see color of these planets ?
Mirrors and Microscopic Vision are mentioned in Mahabharata (Shanti A. 15,308).
So, lenses and telescopes must also be present at that time.
In ancient literature, Durbini (device used to see objects at far off distance, similar to binoculars) were mentioned.
Pluto or Teekshana/Teevra
Pluto was discovered to the modern world in 1930.
Krittikaam Peedayan Teekshnaihi Nakshatram…[30-Bheeshma.3]
Here Vyas states that some immobile liminary troubling Krittika (Pleides) with its sharp rays.
This was mentioned as Nakshatra because it was stationary at one place for long period, so it must be a planet in outer orbit.
It gets mentioned again as
Krittikasu Grahasteevro Nakshatre Prathame Jvalan…… [26- Bhishma.3]
Mathematical calculations make it clear that Krittika and Pluto were conjunct during mahabharata period.
Vyas has mentioned ‘seven Great planets‘, three times in Mahabharat.
Deepyamanascha Sampetuhu Divi Sapta Mahagrahah…[2-Bhishma.17]
It means that the seven great planets were brilliant and shining. In traditional indian astrology, Rahu and Ketu are nodes/shadows and do not shine like stars or planets.
Nissaranto Vyadrushanta Suryaat Sapta Mahagrahah…[4-Karna 37]
This line states that these seven great planets were ‘seen‘ moving away from the Sun.
Since Rahu & Ketu cannot be ‘seen’, they can be ruled out.
This statement is made on sixteenth day of Kurukshetra War, so the Moon has moved away from Sun.
Hence we can assume Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the seven great planets mentioned by Vyas.
Pluto was neglected due to its lesser impact on earth.
Moon was excluded because,
Praja Samharane Rajan Somam Sapta grahah Iva….[22-Drona 37]
Here again seven planets are mentioned by Vyas, excluding the Moon.
Though they were described 5100 years back, we forgot about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto because in traditional indian astrology because they were not used to predict future.
Also some texts says:
  1. PLUTO means यम
  2. URANUS means अरुण:
  3. NEPTUNE means वरुण in sanskrit.
